The Op Shop purchases quality vintage fashion 20 years or older. We will only purchase items in excellent condition. This means items must be clean, free of odors, no spots/stains and no holes or other damage. In the case of more rare pieces or things like vintage denim, there is room for minor flaws or intentional damage like torn jeans, distressed t-shirts, etc.

These price ranges are based on the average selling price of similar items in the shop and we update this guide regularly. All prices are made with the assumption that they meet our expectations.

Two Pieces:

  • Designer and/or Rare - $15 & Up

  • All Materials - $10-$15


  • Slips & Camisoles - $2 - $5

  • Chemises, Teddies, 2-pieces & Night Gowns - $5 - $10


  • Belts/Scarves - $1 - $5

  • Designer Scarves - TBD based on designer

  • Designer Bags - TBD based on designer

Jewelry (Vintage):

  • Earrings - $1

  • Necklaces - $2 - $5


  • Swimsuits - $5 - $10


  • Jackets - $10 - $20

  • Leather Jackets - $20 - $40

  • Coats - $20 - $40

Pants and Sweaters:

  • Linen, Cotton, Silk, Rayon or Denim - $10 - $20

  • Polyester or Acrylic - $5 - $20


  • All materials - $8 - $10


  • Linen, Silk, Cotton, Denim or Rayon - $10 - $20

  • Polyester - $5 - $10

Dresses & Jumpsuits:

  • Designer and/or Rare - $30 & Up

  • All Materials - $15 - $25


  • Designer and/or Rare - $15 & Up

  • All Materials - $5-$10


  • Rochester/Local or Rare - $10 & Up

  • T-Shirts - $3 - $10

  • Sweatshirts - $5 - $10


  • Designer - $15 & Up

  • All Materials - $8 - $12